Sunday, September 25, 2011

Beautiful Stone Mountain

Sorry folks I was a bit overdue for a recent update. Things have been quite crazy last few months with what is going to be our 2nd move in 4 months. Had the wonderful privledge of working on a project for an extremly intresting man. I love what he did with his house. Enjoy!

 As you can tell hes right off the back of the golf course.

Here let me show you some of the highlights of this house.

HOLY COW! this is the entrance. Absolutely love the floors, but we had to be very careful as we walked through so as not to scratch it.

Lovely Venetian table coming into the dinning room.

Here is the living room, it's getting late. But a lovely view of Stone Moutain.

On to the kitchen! Really isn't that everyone's battle call?

The living room a little later. Time to head down stairs to see whats in store for us.

Wow... look who is waiting for us. This is far from a tomb.

Passing by the bathroom.

From Egypt to Greece.. I really adore this house.

Coffee anyone?

Time to leave ... this was a blast. I would have loved to spend a week photographing everything in this house. It has art everywhere and everyroom has a theme.

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